We identify our grantee partners based on their alignment with the foundation’s priorities and internal due diligence. We make grants mainly to community-based organizations across the Middle East and West Africa and in the following issue areas:

Advancing health and human rights, particularly for women and girls

Evidence shows that when women and girls have access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities those individuals, their families, and their communities thrive. Our funding focuses on interventions that remove barriers and obstacles for women and girls at the community level.

Supporting refugees and other displaced populations

We focus on supporting organizations that receive and provide services to refugees and other displaced persons from war torn countries. We are particularly interested in supporting the safety and livelihoods of displaced women and girls.

Cultivating artists and storytellers

When possible, we look for intersections with the arts and how expressions of self through theater, music, film, and/or other disciplines support the human spirit, build tolerance, and create meaningful dialogue for social change.

Improving wellbeing

We maintain a small portfolio of grants focused on supporting wellness, including meditation and mindfulness practices, with the particular aim of bringing those interventions to individuals or communities impacted by violence and/or displacement.

Protecting the environment

We support organizations that are improving the health of our environment and helping communities reduce and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Protecting animals

We are dedicated to protecting animals, particularly abandoned or mistreated dogs, and the ecosystems upon which they depend.

Discretionary funding & special initiatives

Given our interests in health, human rights, and displaced populations, we reserve funds to respond to emergencies within our priority geographies. We also support a healthy and effective philanthropic sector by supporting organizations that are dedicated to building and strengthening the field.

Together with other foundations

I Believe in You Handleman Foundation working with indigenous populations in the USA and Canada.